The API describes chi’s classes and functions. Below is an aphabetically ordered list of all classes and functions. The menu bar can be used to explore chi’s functionality in a more structured way.

Summary of all functions and classes in chi


A base class for predictive models whose parameters are drawn from a distribution.

chi.compute_pointwise_loglikelihood(...[, ...])

Computes the pointwise log-likelihood for each observation and each parameter sample from the posterior distribution.


An error model which assumes that the model error is a mixture between a Gaussian base-level noise and a Gaussian heteroscedastic noise.

chi.CovariateModel([n_cov, cov_names])

A base class for covariate models.


A base class for error models for the one-dimensional output of MechanisticModel instances.


A collection of Erlotinib PKPD datasets.


Contains references to pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models in SBML file format.

chi.LinearCovariateModel([n_cov, cov_names])

A linear covariate model.

chi.LogLikelihood(mechanistic_model, ...[, ...])

A log-likelihood that quantifies the likelihood of parameter values to capture the measurements within the model approximation of the data-generating process.


An error model which assumes that the model error follows a Log-normal distribution.

chi.LogNormalModel([n_dim, dim_names, centered])

A population model which models parameters across individuals with a lognormal distribution.

chi.LogPosterior(log_likelihood, log_prior)

A log-posterior constructed from a log-likelihood and a log-prior.

chi.HeterogeneousModel([n_dim, dim_names, n_ids])

A population model which imposes no relationship on the model parameters across individuals.

chi.HierarchicalLogLikelihood(...[, covariates])

A hierarchical log-likelihood consists of structurally identical log-likelihoods whose parameters are governed by a population model.

chi.HierarchicalLogPosterior(log_likelihood, ...)

A hierarchical log-posterior is defined by a hierarchical log-likelihood and a log-prior for the population (or top-level) parameters.


An error model which assumes that the model error follows a Gaussian distribution.

chi.GaussianModel([n_dim, dim_names, centered])

A population model which models parameters across individuals with a Gaussian distribution.

chi.InferenceController(log_posterior[, seed])

A base class for inference controllers.


A base class for time series models of the form


An error model which assumes that the model error is a Gaussian heteroscedastic noise.

chi.OptimisationController(log_posterior[, seed])

Sets up an optimisation routine that attempts to find the parameter values that maximise a pints.LogPosterior.

chi.PAMPredictiveModel(predictive_models, ...)

A model that is defined by the probabilistic average of posterior predictive models.


Instantiates a PKPD model from a SBML specification.


A figure class that visualises the marginal posterior probability for each parameter across individuals.


A figure class that visualises parameter maximum a posteriori probability estimates across multiple optimisation runs.


A figure class that visualises measurements of a pharmacodynamic observables across multiple individuals.


A figure class that visualises measurements of a pharmacokinetic observable across multiple individuals.


A figure class that visualises the predictions of a predictive pharmacodynamic model.


A figure class that visualises the predictions of a predictive pharmacokinetic model.

chi.plots.ResidualPlot(measurements[, ...])

A figure class that visualises the residual error between the predictions of a predictive model and measured observations.

chi.PooledModel([n_dim, dim_names])

A population model which pools the model parameters across individuals.

chi.PopulationModel([n_dim, dim_names])

A base class for population models.


Implements a model of a data-generating process.


A class that can be used to permanently fix model parameters of an ErrorModel instance.

chi.PosteriorPredictiveModel(...[, param_map])

Implements the posterior predictive model of the modelled data-generating process and the associated parameter posterior distribution.

chi.PredictiveModel(mechanistic_model, ...)

Implements a model of a data-generating process.

chi.PriorPredictiveModel(predictive_model, ...)

Implements a model that predicts the change of observable biomarkers over time based on the provided distribution of model parameters prior to the inference.

chi.ProblemModellingController(...[, outputs])

A problem modelling controller which simplifies the model building process of a pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic problem.


A wrapper class for a MechanisticModel instance that can be used to fix model parameters to fixed values.


A class that can be used to permanently fix model parameters of a PopulationModel instance.

chi.SamplingController(log_posterior[, seed])

Sets up a sampling routine that attempts to find the posterior distribution of parameters defined by a pints.LogPosterior.


Instantiates a mechanistic model from a SBML specification.

chi.TruncatedGaussianModel([n_dim, dim_names])

A population model which models model parameters across individuals as Gaussian random variables which are truncated at zero.