2. The mechanistic model

In Chi, mechanistic model is an umbrella term for time series models describing the dynamics of treatment responses. In general, these models do not have to be of a mechanistic nature, but in most cases they will have at least a mechanistic element to them. Popular mechanistic models include for example PKPD models, PBPK models and QSP models which are based on mechanistic descriptions of the treatment response.

Mechanistic models can be implemented in Chi in two ways: 1. using SBML files (recommended); and 2. using the chi.MechanisticModel interface. The chi.MechanisticModel interface has, perhaps, the lower entry barrier, as it just involves implementing models using any preferred Python code. This brings an enourmous amount of flexibility and, for simple models, gets your model implemented fast. However, it has the drawback that sensitivities of the model parameters and mechanisms to administer dosing regimens have to implemented manually. It also limits the ability to share models.

In comparison, using SBML files to implement your models requires a small amount of potentially unfamiliar SBML syntax, and therefore may initially take a little longer to get started. However, for complex models, SBML simplifies the model implementation and reduces the risk for implementation errors. In Chi, SBML will also automate differentiation, the evaluation of parameter sensitivities, and the implementation of dose administrations. Another benefit of SBML files is that they are programming language-agnostic, meaning that SBML files are supported by a host of simulation softwares which facilitates the sharing and the reimplementation of models without forcing the continued use of Chi. We therefore recommend using SBML files to implement your models.

Below we will show how we can use either of those implementation strategies to implement a 1-compartment PK model.

Use case: 1-compartment PK model:

A 1-compartment PK model is a semi-mechanistic description of the absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination of a drug using a simple differential equation of the form

\[\frac{\mathrm{d}a}{\mathrm{d}t} = -k_e\, a, \quad c = \frac{a}{v}, \quad a(t=0) = a_0,\]

\(a\) denotes the drug amount in the compartment, \(t\) denotes the time, \(k_e\) denotes the elimination rate of the drug, \(c\) denotes the drug concentration, \(v\) denotes the volume of the compartment, and \(a_0\) denotes the initial drug amount.

2.1. Defining mechanistic models using the MechanisticModel interface

The simplest way to implement mechanistic models in Chi is to use the chi.MechanisticModel interface. The MechanisticModel is a base class for mechanistic models with a small number of mandatory methods that you need to implement in order to be able to use your implementation with all of Chi’s functionality. The base class takes the following form (methods that don’t have to be implemented are omitted):

class MechanisticModel(object):
    def simulate(self, parameters, times):
        Returns the numerical solution of the model outputs for the
        specified parameters and times.

        The model outputs are returned as a 2 dimensional NumPy array of shape
        ``(n_outputs, n_times)``.

        :param parameters: An array-like object with values for the model
        :type parameters: list, numpy.ndarray
        :param times: An array-like object with time points at which the output
            values are returned.
        :type times: list, numpy.ndarray

        :rtype: np.ndarray of shape (n_outputs, n_times)
        raise NotImplementedError

    def has_sensitivities(self):
        Returns a boolean indicating whether sensitivities have been enabled.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def n_outputs(self):
        Returns the number of output dimensions.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def n_parameters(self):
        Returns the number of parameters in the model.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def outputs(self):
        Returns the output names of the model.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def parameters(self):
        Returns the parameter names of the model.
        raise NotImplementedError

For full details of the base class, we refer to the API reference: chi.MechanisticModel.

The main method of the mechanistic model is the MechanisticModel.simulate() method, implementing the simulation of the model. The other methods are used for book-keeping and for enabling the computation of sensitivities. In this example, we will not implement the sensitivities, so we can start the model implementation by setting the return of the MechanisticModel.has_sensitivities() method to False

class OneCompPKModel(chi.MechanisticModel):
    def __init__(self):

    def has_sensitivities(self):
        # We will not implement sensitivities in this part of the tutorial, so
        # the output of this method is always False
        return False

In the above code block, we define a new class called OneCompPKModel which will implement the 1-compartment PK model. In the first line, the class inherits from the chi.MechanisticModel base class. In the next two lines, we use super().__init__() to initialise properties of the the base class. If you are not familiar with inheritance in Python, you can use these three lines as a default setup of your model implementation. The remainder of the code block implments the MechanisticModel.has_sensitivities() method by setting its return to False, indicating to other classes and functions in Chi that the model does not implement sensitivities. This is a necessary method of chi.MechanisticModel in Chi, because some optimisation and inference algorithms require sensitivites, and setting the output to False will indicate to those algorithms that they cannot be used with this model.

The other methods, besides the MechanisticModel.simulate(), are used for book-keeping and define the number of outputs of the model, the number of parameters of the model and their names. In this case the 1-compartment PK model has only 1 output, the concentration of the drug in the central compartment. We can therefore continue the implementation of the model by setting the return of MechanisticModel.n_outputs() to 1 and the return of MechanisticModel.outputs() to ['Drug concentration']

class OneCompPKModel(chi.MechanisticModel):
    def __init__(self):

    def has_sensitivities(self):
        # We will not implement sensitivities in this part of the tutorial, so
        # the output of this method is always False
        return False

    def n_outputs(self):
        return 1

    def outputs(self):
        return ['Drug concentration']

Those two methods communicate to other classes and functions in Chi that the model has only one output, the drug concentration. Note that the return of MechanisticModel.outputs() is a list of strings in order to facilitate returning the names of mutliple outputs, in which case the return would take the form ['Output name 1', 'Output name 2', ..., 'Output name n'].

The remaining book-keeping methods return the number of parameters and the names of the parameters, MechanisticModel.n_parameters() and MechanisticModel.parameters(). A 1-compartment PK model has three model parameters: 1. the initial drug amount, \(a_0\); 2. the elimination rate, \(k_e\): and 3. the volume of distribution, \(v\). We can, thus, implement the methods by setting the return of MechanisticModel.n_parameters() to 3 and the return of MechanisticModel.parameters() to ['Initial amount', 'Elimination rate', 'Volume of distribution'].

class OneCompPKModel(chi.MechanisticModel):
    def __init__(self):

    def has_sensitivities(self):
        # We will not implement sensitivities in this part of the tutorial, so
        # the output of this method is always False
        return False

    def n_outputs(self):
        return 1

    def outputs(self):
        return ['Drug concentration']

    def n_parameters(self):
        return 3

    def parameters(self):
        return ['Initial amount', 'Elimination rate', 'Volume of distribution']

This leaves only MechanisticModel.simulate() to implement. The MechanisticModel.simulate() is the heart of the mechanistic model, taking the parameter values and the evaluation time points of the simulation as inputs and returning the simulated model outputs. How you find the simulated model outputs is in the MechanisticModel() interface up to you!

In thise case, the 1-compartment PK model is simple enough so that we can find and implement the analytical solution to the differential equation directly. Solving the differential equation shows that the 1-compartment PK model yields an exponential decay of the drug concentration in the central compartment

\[c(t) = \frac{a_0}{v}\, \mathrm{e}^{-k_e t}.\]

We can implement this exponential decay using numpy as follows

import chi
import numpy as np

class OneCompPKModel(chi.MechanisticModel):
    def __init__(self):

    def simulate(self, parameters, times):
        a0, ke, v = parameters
        times = np.array(times)

        c = a0 / v * np.exp(-ke * times)

        output = np.empty(shape=(self.n_outputs(), len(times)))
        output[0] = c

        return output

    def has_sensitivities(self):
        # We will not implement sensitivities in this part of the tutorial, so
        # the output of this method is always False
        return False

    def n_outputs(self):
        return 1

    def outputs(self):
        return ['Drug concentration']

    def n_parameters(self):
        return 3

    def parameters(self):
        return ['Initial amount', 'Elimination rate', 'Volume of distribution']

The inputs to the MechanisticModel.simulate() method are the values of the model parameters and the time points for the model evaluation. As defined by the base class, the parameter values, parameters, have to take the form of a list or an np.ndarray of length n_parameters. These parameter values are deconstructed in the first line of the method and assigned to the model parameters. The time point input, times, also has to take the form of a list or an np.ndarray, but can be of any length, n_times. In the second line of the method, we use np.array(times) to convert the times input to an np.ndarray to enable the computation of the drug concentration at all time points in parallel using numpy’s vectorised operations. The next line implements the model solution and calculates the drug concentration for all time points in times. Finally, the last two lines of the method make sure that the output of the method adheres to the format defined by the interface, chi.MechanisticModel, reshaping the simulation result to an np.ndarray of shape (n_outputs, n_times) by first instantiating an empty array of shape (self.n_outputs(), len(times)), i.e. (1, len(times)), and then populating the array with the simulated concentration values.

This completes the implementation of the 1-compartment PK model and we can start to model the pharmacokinetics of drugs. For example, we can simulate the time course of the drug concentration following a bolus dose of 10 drug amount units

import plotly.graph_objects as go

# Define model
model = OneCompPKModel()

# Run simulation
times = np.linspace(start=0, stop=10, num=200)
parameters = [
    10,        # Initial drug amount
    1,         # Elimination rate
    2,         # Volume of distribution
simulation = model.simulate(parameters=parameters, times=times)[0]

# Plot drug concentration
fig = go.Figure()
    yaxis_title='Drug concentration',

As expected, the drug concentration decays exponentially with the rate defined by the elimination rate, starting from an initial value of 5, defined by the initial drug amount and the volume of distribution (\(10 / 2\)).

2.1.1. Strengths & limitations

The above implementation of the 1-compartment PK model can now be used together with other classes and functions in Chi to simulate drug concentrations and to infer parameter values from measurements. However, to get access to all of Chi’s features additional methods need to be implemented, including methods mirroring PKPDModel.set_administration and PKPDModel.set_dosing_regimen in order to facilitate dose administrations that go beyond bolus doses at the start of the simulation. Below, we provide an overview of the strengths and limitations of using the chi.MechanisticModel interface


  • Simple models can be implemented quickly.

  • The interface is extremely flexible and allows for the use of any preferred Python code.

  • Only knowledge of Python is required to implement the model.


  • No support for the implementation of complex models.

  • No automated implementation of output names and parameter names.

  • No automated implementation of changing model outputs.

  • No automated support of renaming model outputs and model parameters.

  • No automated implementation of dose administrations.

  • No automated implementation of sensitivities.

  • Sharing of models is limited to the use of Chi.

2.2. Defining mechanistic models using SBML files

The systems biology markup language (SBML) can be used to define mechanistic models in a programming language-agnostic way, facilitating the sharing, the implementation, and the reproduction of computational models. In chi, SBML also allow us to automatically implement sensitivities and dose administrations of treatment response models. But before we go into more detail of why SBML is a great choice to implement your models, let us implement our first SBML model to see how it works in practice.

2.2.1. Setting up a template

The first thing to note about SBML is that mechanistic models are not defined in your Python scripts directly, but instead are defined in SBML files external to your code (this makes the programming language-agnostic sharing of models possible). These SBML files have a minimal boilerplate of five lines

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sbml xmlns="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version2/core" level="3" version="2">
  <model id="template">

  <!-- Your model definition goes here -->


Create a new file called template.xml and copy-paste the above lines in there. For all future models, you can use these lines as a starting point. The first line specifies the XML version and the encoding, while the second and last line in the file specify the XML namespace. This namespace is what makes an XML file an SBML file. The remaining two lines begin the model definition.

You can see that the model tag has an id property with the value "template". This ID is not really used by Chi, but Myokit uses it internally to name models, and we can use this in this tutorial for debugging / making sure that the model is implemented as expected. To this end, let us instantiate a model from the SBML file using the code below

import os

import chi

directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
filename = os.path.join(directory, 'template.xml')
model = chi.PKPDModel(sbml_file=filename)


In this example, we instantiate the model using chi.PKPDModel from the SBML file. The first two lines define the absolute path to the SBML file by first getting the absolute path of the Python script and then pointing to the SBML file in the same directory as the script. The last line prints the name of the _model property of the chi.PKPDModel instance, which is the compiled Myokit model. If everything works correctly, executing this script should print the name of the model to the terminal, i.e. template.


We do not recommend accessing the _model property in your scripts directly when you are modelling treatment responses (as indicated by the leading _, the Myokit model is supposed to be a private property of chi.PKPDModel), but for debugging SBML files it can be useful to investigate _model directly.

2.2.2. Implementing the model

With this template in place, we can now implement our model. Let us start by first sketching out the two blocks of definitions that we need for this model: 1. parameter/variable definitions; and 2. rule definitions (including assignment rules like \(c = \frac{a}{v}\) and rate rules like \(\mathrm{d}a/\mathrm{d}t = -k_e \,a\))

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sbml xmlns="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version2/core" level="3" version="2">
  <model id="template">

      <!-- This is were the parameter/variable definitions go -->

      <!-- This is were the rule definitions go -->


All parameters and variables of the model will need to be defined inside the listOfParameters tags, while all assignment rules and rate rules will have to be defined inside the listOfRules tags.

Parameters are defined using parameter tags of the form <parameter id=your_id value=42/>. The id property defines the name of the parameter and the value property defines the value of the parameter to which it is initialised. Parameter tags can have more, optional properties (see SBML), but the id and the value properties are required. Using the parameter tags, we can define the parameters and variables of the one-compartment PK model \((a, c, k_e, v)\).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sbml xmlns="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version2/core" level="3" version="2">
  <model id="one_compartment_pk_model">

      <parameter id="drug_amount" value="1"/>
      <parameter id="drug_concentration" value="1"/>
      <parameter id="elimination_rate" value="1"/>
      <parameter id="volume" value="1"/>

      <!-- This is were the rule definitions go -->


Let us check that our SBML file is implemented correctly by instantiating the model and printing the compiled model back to us. To this end, let us copy-paste the above model definition into an XML file with the name one_compartment_pk_model.xml and execute the below script

import os

import chi

directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
filename = os.path.join(directory, 'one_compartment_pk_model.xml')
model = chi.PKPDModel(sbml_file=filename)


Here, we are using the code() method of the Myokit model to print the model specification back to us. If the implementation is correct, you should see a print out like this

name: one_compartment_pk_model

drug_amount = 1
drug_concentration = 1
elimination_rate = 1
time = 0 bind time
    in [1]
volume = 1

The model definition shows that the model contains 5 parameters, the 4 parameters that we have defined, initialised to the value as specified in the SBML file, and a fifth variable called time. The time variable is automatically added to the model and, as the name suggest, is the variable that will keep track of time.

At this point, the model is pretty useless because we haven’t implemented the rate rule that defines how the drug amount changes over time, and we also haven’t defined how the drug concentration is related to the drug amount. So let us implement the rate rule, \(\mathrm{d}a/\mathrm{d}t = -k_e\, a\) to bring this PK model to life

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sbml xmlns="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version2/core" level="3" version="2">
  <model id="one_compartment_pk_model">

      <parameter id="drug_amount" value="1"/>
      <parameter id="drug_concentration" value="1"/>
      <parameter id="elimination_rate" value="1"/>
      <parameter id="volume" value="1"/>

      <rateRule variable="drug_amount">
        <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
            <cn> -1 </cn>
            <ci> elimination_rate </ci>
            <ci> drug_amount </ci>


Before explaining the syntax in more detail, let us first see how the addition of the rate rule has changed our model implementation. Executing the above Python script again, now yields a model print out that looks like this

name: one_compartment_pk_model
# Initial values
global.drug_amount = 1

dot(drug_amount) = -1 * elimination_rate * drug_amount
drug_concentration = 1
elimination_rate = 1
time = 0 bind time
    in [1]
volume = 1

We can see that in comparison to our previous model print out two things have happened: 1. a new section with title # Initial values has appeared; and 2. the expression of the drug_amount variable has changed. This is because rate rules promote (constant) parameters to variables whose dynamics are now defined by ordinary differential equations. In the model print out the dot(drug_amount) denotes the time derivative of the drug amount variable, i.e. \(\mathrm{d}a/\mathrm{d}t\). The initial value of the drug amount at \(t=0\) is defined by the value property of the corresponding parameter, indicated in the model print out by global.drug_amount = 1.

The SBML syntax for defining rate rules like this is to add rateRule tags to the listOfRules that point to the relevant parameter in the listOfParameters

  <parameter id="your_parameter" value="1"/>

  <rateRule variable="your_parameter">
    <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">

      <!-- This is were the definition of the right hand side goes -->



This promotes the parameter to a variable that can change over time. The right hand side of the differential equation is defined inside the math tags which point to the MathML XML namespace which is used in SBML to define mathematical expressions.

In MathML, mathematical expressions are encapsulated by the <apply></apply> tags followed by a tag that indicates the mathetical operation and the relevant parameters / variables. The most common operations are

  • addition: </plus>

  • subtraction: </minus>

  • multiplication: </times>

  • division: </divide>

  • exponentiation: </power>

Commutative operations, such as addition and multiplication, work with any number of parameters / variables while other operators can only be applied pairwise. For more information about the MathML syntax, we refer to http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML.

Revisiting the rateRule in our model definition

<rateRule variable="drug_amount">
  <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
      <cn> -1 </cn>
      <ci> elimination_rate </ci>
      <ci> drug_amount </ci>

we can now see that the right hand side of the differential equation for the drug amount is defined by the product of the constant -1, the elimination_rate parameter, and the drug_amount variable. Note that constants are labelled by <cn></cn> tags, while parameters / variables are labelled by <ci></ci>. This labelling is used in SBML to indicate whether parameter definitions need to be looked up in the list of parameters.

We can now move on and complete the implementation of our model by adding the assignment rule for the drug concentration, which relates the drug concentration to the drug amount, \(c = \frac{a}{v}\). Fortunately, at this point you have already learned almost all the necessary SBML syntax to do this. The only difference is that assignment rules are indicated with assignmentRule tags instead of the rate rule tag

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sbml xmlns="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version2/core" level="3" version="2">
  <model id="one_compartment_pk_model">

      <parameter id="drug_amount" value="1"/>
      <parameter id="drug_concentration" value="1"/>
      <parameter id="elimination_rate" value="1"/>
      <parameter id="volume" value="1"/>

      <rateRule variable="drug_amount">
        <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
            <cn> -1 </cn>
            <ci> elimination_rate </ci>
            <ci> drug_amount </ci>

    <assignmentRule variable="drug_concentration">
      <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
          <ci> drug_amount </ci>
          <ci> volume </ci>


Executing our Python script again, we obtain an updated model print out

name: one_compartment_pk_model
# Initial values
global.drug_amount = 1

dot(drug_amount) = -1 * elimination_rate * drug_amount
drug_concentration = drug_amount / volume
elimination_rate = 1
time = 0 bind time
    in [1]
volume = 1

We can see that in contrast to the rate rule, the assignment rule did not promote the expression for the drug concentration to a differential equation. Instead it simply assigned the drug concentration to be equal to the drug amount divided by the volume at all times.

This completes the implementation of the one-compartment PK model and we can start to model the pharmacokinetics of drugs. For example, we can simulate the time course of the drug concentration following a bolus dose of 10 drug amount units

import os

import chi
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go

# Define model
directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
filename = os.path.join(directory, 'one_compartment_pk_model.xml')
model = chi.PKPDModel(sbml_file=filename)

# Run simulation
times = np.linspace(start=0, stop=10, num=200)
parameters = [
    10,        # Initial drug amount
    1,         # Elimination rate
    2,         # Volume of distribution
simulation = model.simulate(parameters=parameters, times=times)[0]

# Plot drug concentation
fig = go.Figure()
    yaxis_title='Drug concentration',

As expected, the drug concentration decays exponentially with the rate defined by the elimination rate, starting from an initial value of 5, defined by the initial drug amount and the volume of distribution (\(10 / 2\)).


The order of the parameter values when simulating the model follows a simple pattern: the initial values of state variables come first, followed by the values of constant parameters. If multiple initial values or parameters exist, they are order alphabetically. To facilitate keeping track of the order of parameters, the model implements a parameters() method, chi.PKPDModel.parameters(), which returns the parameter names of the model.

Similarly, you can get the names of the simulation outputs of the model with chi.PKPDModel.outputs(). The outputs of the model can be changed using chi.PKPDModel.set_outputs()

SBML in Chi has many more functionalities than those outlined in this tutorial, including the definition of units for parameters and variables, the definition of compartments, and the definition of reaction equations. While being clear about units is of utmost importance across all applications of treatment response modelling, the ability to define compartments and rate equations is particularly useful when implementing large mechanistic models, such as PBPK models and QSP models, because it allows you to incrementally implement a model in modular blocks, focussing on one reaction at a time.

We will not go into further detail about these elements of SBML in this tutorial. However, for illustrative purposes we will show a version of the 1-compartment PK model implementation which includes compartments, rate equations and units

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sbml xmlns="http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level3/version2/core" level="3" version="2">
  <model id="one_compartment_pk_model" timeUnits="day">

      <unitDefinition id="day">
          <unit kind="second" exponent="1" scale="0" multiplier="86400"/>
      <unitDefinition id="per_day">
          <unit kind="second" exponent="-1" scale="0" multiplier="86400"/>
      <unitDefinition id="mg">
          <unit kind="gram" exponent="1" scale="-3" multiplier="1"/>

      <compartment id="central" name="central" size="1" units="liter"/>

      <species id="drug" name="drug" compartment="central" initialAmount="0" hasSubstanceUnits="false" substanceUnits="mg"/>

      <parameter id="elimination_rate" value="1" constant="true" units="per_day"/>

      <reaction id="central_reaction" name="central_reaction" reversible="false" fast="false">
          <speciesReference species="drug"/>
          <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
              <ci> central </ci>
              <ci> elimination_rate </ci>
              <ci> drug </ci>


For a complete description of SBML, we refer to the SBML documentation: https://sbml.org/.

2.2.3. Setting dosing regimens

In Chi, models implemented using SBML files have a simple two-step interface to simulate treatment responses for different dosing strategies. The first step is to specify the route of administration using PKPDModel.set_administration(). Once this step is completed, the dosing regimen can be scheduled using PKPDModel.set_dosing_regimen().

The PKPDModel.set_administration() method defines the drug amount variable of the model that gets elevated when dosages are administered. In our 1-compartment PK model from above, there is of course only one drug amount variable in the model and this flexibility seems unnecessary, however for more complicated models specifying drug amount variables in different compartments can be used to emulate different routes of administration. To facilitate this flexibility of the route of administration the PKPDModel.set_administration() method has one mandatory input parameter and two optional input parameters. The mandatory input parameter, compartment, specifies the compartment of the drug amount variable, the other two input parameters specify the name of the drug amount variable, amount_var, (default is amount_var='drug_amount') and whether the administration is direct, direct, (default is direct=True). If direct is set to False the drug is administered to the drug amount variable through a dose copmartment.

Let us first illustrate the direct aministration. In our above example, one_compartment_pk_model.xml, we used rules to define our model and did not specify any compartments. In this case, Myokit assigns all variables to a global compartment called global. We can therefore administer doses directly to the drug amount variable by setting the compartment input to 'global'


To see what happens to the model when we set an administration, we can use print(model._model.code()) to print the model.

name: one_compartment_pk_model
# Initial values
global.drug_amount = 1

dose_rate = 0 bind pace
dot(drug_amount) = -1 * elimination_rate * drug_amount + dose_rate
drug_concentration = drug_amount / volume
elimination_rate = 1
time = 0 bind time
    in [1]
volume = 1

We can see that two things have happened: 1. a dose_rate variable has been added to the model; and 2. the dose rate variable has been added to the right hand side of the drug_amount rate equation. The dose_rate will be set by the dosing regimen and implements the administration of dosages.

We can now simulate the drug concentration for different dosing regimens. For example, assuming the dose amount is in units of mg and the time is in units of days, we may want to administer a dose of 2 mg every day, or a dose of 4 mg every 2 days, or administer a total dose of 2 mg every day with an infusion that lasts for 12 hours.

times = np.linspace(start=0, stop=10, num=200)
parameters = [0, 1, 2]

# 2 mg every day
model.set_dosing_regimen(dose=2, period=1)
sim1 = model.simulate(parameters=parameters, times=times)[0]

# 4 mg every 2 days
model.set_dosing_regimen(dose=4, period=2)
sim2 = model.simulate(parameters=parameters, times=times)[0]

# 2 mg every day with an infusion of 12 hours
model.set_dosing_regimen(dose=2, period=1, duration=0.5)
sim3 = model.simulate(parameters=parameters, times=times)[0]

# Plot drug concentations
fig = go.Figure()
    name='2mg every day'
    name='4mg every 2 days'
    name='2mg every day infused for 12h'
    yaxis_title='Drug concentration',

For full details of which dosing regimens are possible, we refer to API documentation, PKPD.set_dosing_regimen().

For completeness, let us administer the same dosing regimens indirectly to the drug amount variable.

# Define model
directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
filename = os.path.join(directory, 'one_compartment_pk_model.xml')
model = chi.PKPDModel(sbml_file=filename)

# Set indirect administration
model.set_administration(compartment='global', direct=False)

times = np.linspace(start=0, stop=10, num=200)
parameters = [0, 0, 10, 1, 2]

# 2 mg every day
model.set_dosing_regimen(dose=2, period=1)
sim1 = model.simulate(parameters=parameters, times=times)[0]

# 4 mg every 2 days
model.set_dosing_regimen(dose=4, period=2)
sim2 = model.simulate(parameters=parameters, times=times)[0]

# 2 mg every day with an infusion of 12 hours
model.set_dosing_regimen(dose=2, period=1, duration=0.5)
sim3 = model.simulate(parameters=parameters, times=times)[0]

# Plot drug concentations
fig = go.Figure()
    name='2mg every day'
    name='4mg every 2 days'
    name='2mg every day infused for 12h'
    yaxis_title='Drug concentration',

We can see that relative to the direct administration two things have happened: 1. Somehow the number of parameters have changed from 3 parameters to 5 parameters (see line 10 in the code block); and 2. the peaks of the drug concentrations appear to be rounded off in the figure.

To understand this, let us again investigate the Myokit model using print(model._model.code()), and see how the route of administration has changed the model

name: one_compartment_pk_model
# Initial values
global.drug_amount = 1
dose.drug_amount   = 0

absorption_rate = 1
    in [1]
dot(drug_amount) = -absorption_rate * drug_amount + global.dose_rate

dose_rate = 0 bind pace
dot(drug_amount) = -1 * elimination_rate * drug_amount + dose.absorption_rate * dose.drug_amount
drug_concentration = drug_amount / volume
elimination_rate = 1
time = 0 bind time
    in [1]
volume = 1

We can see that the indirect administration makes changes to the model that are conceptually similar to the direct administration, but instead of adding the dose_rate variable directly to the right hand side of the drug_amount rate equation in the global compartment, it is added to the rate equation of a drug_amount variable in a new dose compartment. From this dose compartment the drug transitions to the global compartment at a constant rate – the absorption_rate.

These changes of the model explain the shaving off of the drug concentration peaks: the drug is first adminstered to the dose compartment and then transitions at a reduced rate to the observed compartment. It also explains why the number of model parameters increases from 3 to 5: indirect administrations add the initial value of the dose compartment drug_amount variable and the absorption_rate parameter to the model.


Whenever you are in doubt about the order of the parameters, use PKPDModel.parameters() to look up their order.

2.2.4. Calculating sensitivities

In Chi, models implemented using SBML files also have a simple interface to simulate the sensitivities of model parameters. The simulation of sensitivities can be enabled using the PKPDModel.enable_sensitivities() method which modifies the output of PKPDModel.simulate(). If sensitivities are enabled, PKPDModel.simulate() returns a tuple of numpy arrays instead of just a single numpy array. The first numpy array is the simulated model output, as before. The second numpy array contains the sensitivities of the model outputs for each model parameter at all simulated time points and is of shape (n_times, n_outputs, n_parameters).

To see the simulation of sensitivities in action, we use again our 1-compartment PK model example from above as a use case, 'one_compartment_pk_model.xml', and simulate the model output and its sensitivities for daily dose administrations of 2 mg. For simplicity, we choose to visualise the sensitivities only for the initial drug amount in the global compartment and the elimination rate.

from plotly.subplots import make_subplots

# Simulate concentration and sensitivities
model.set_dosing_regimen(dose=2, period=1)
simulation, sensitivities = model.simulate(parameters=parameters, times=times)

# Plot results
fig = make_subplots(rows=3, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True)
        name='Drug concentration'
        y=sensitivities[:, 0, 1],
        name='Sensitivity w.r.t. initial amount'
        y=sensitivities[:, 0, 3],
        name='Sensitivity w.r.t. elim. rate'

    yaxis2_title='dc / da_0',
    yaxis3_title='dc / dk_e',

In the code block, you can see that we select the sensitivities by 1. indexing the relevant time points in the first axis (in this case, we select all simulated time points with :), 2. indexing the relevant output in the second axis, and 3. indexing the relevant parameter in the third axis. The order of the parameters is consistent across all methods of the PKPDModel and can be looked up using PKPDModel.parameters().

In the figure, the sensitivities show that the influence of the initial drug amount on the drug concentration decays exponentially over time, as indicated by the decreasing magnitude of its sensitivity. The more intitial drug amount is available, the larger the drug concentration is for early times of the simulation. However, drug concentration levels at later times will not be affected by elevated initial drug amounts. This aligns with our understanding of the model, as we know that the model clears drug amounts at an exponential rate from the system. The initial drug amount can therefore only influence the drug concentration at early times.

We can similarly understand the sensitivity with respect to the elimination rate. The figure shows that the elimination rate has no influence on the drug concentration at \(t=0\). Only for \(t>0\), the elimination rate begins to affect the drug concentration level. This is because for early times, the drug concentration value is dominiated by the initial drug amount. As the influence of the initial drug amount on the drug concentration diminishes, the influence of the elimination rate increases. Note that the sensitivity with respect to the elimination rate is negative, in contrast to the positive sensitivity with respect to the initial drug amount. As a result, larger elimination rates negatively impact drug conentration levels.

This concludes this tutorial. If you have any feedback or suggestions for improvement, or would like to report any typos, mistakes or bugs, please do reach out to us, for example by creating an Issue. We are looking forward to hearing from you!

2.3. Reference to MechanisticModel API


A base class for time series models of the form


Instantiates a mechanistic model from a SBML specification.


Instantiates a PKPD model from a SBML specification.


A wrapper class for a MechanisticModel instance that can be used to fix model parameters to fixed values.